dimanche 1 mai 2011


Are you feeling sad? or lonely or lost?
close your eyes
close all your eyes and breathe in deeply
dig in
are you feeling any better? no? worse?
that's good. Dig in deeper and keep breathing
deeper and deeper
past all the layers
of sadness anger and everything that is pulling you down
and eventually you'll find it
it's always there
in you
at all times
waiting to be felt
people give it different names
beauty waiting to be seen
calm waiting to prevail
peace, warmth, serenity
or Love waiting to be shared
the divine sparkle of life
whatever name you give it
it's all good
and everything is going to be alright
so don't be sad
don't be lonely
and don't be lost
you can open your eyes now
and look for it around you
because happiness is there too
so open all your eyes
feel warmth and peace and calm and beauty
and feel life
and smile
and be grateful 
is it a pretty cloud? or a friend giving you a hand?
and if you can't see it
trust it is there
waiting for its time to be discovered
and go look for it
because it is a wonderful trip

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